Submission Arts Wrestling (SAW) employs the traditional Japanese grading system of Kyū and Dan invented in the 17th century by Honinbo Dosaku, and first introduced to martial arts by Judo founder Jigorō Kanō. The rank of SAW practitioners is indicated by a colored belt (obi), awarded according to their practical proficiency and technical knowledge of the art.

- 6th Kyu : Rokkyu Deshi : SAW White Belt
- 5th Kyu : Gokkyu Deshi : SAW Yellow Belt
- 4th Kyu : Yonkyu Deshi : SAW Orange Belt
- 3rd Kyu : Sankyu Deshi : SAW Green Belt
- 2nd Kyu : Nikkyu Deshi : SAW Blue Belt (4 Stripes)
- 1st Kyu : Ikkyu Deshi : SAW Purple Belt (4 Stripes)
- Shodan-Ho : SAW Brown Belt (4 Stripes)
- 1st Dan : SAW Black Belt
- 2nd Dan : SAW 2nd Degree Black Belt
- 3rd Dan : SAW 3rd Degree Black Belt
- 4th Dan : SAW 4th Degree Black Belt
- 5th Dan : SAW 5th Degree Black Belt
- 6th Dan : SAW 6th Degree Black Belt
- 7th Dan : SAW 7th Degree Black Belt
- 8th Dan : SAW 8th Degree Black Belt
9th Dan : SAW 9th Degree Black Belt : Founder Rank (Highest rank in SAW).